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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Decoding Sperm Whale Language With AI

     There is this really cool project going on called The Dominica Sperm Whale Project and  CETI are working on (but aren't done) decoding whale language using AI. This may seem absurd because animals don't have languages. Right?

Right? Well you might be wrong. Whales use series of clicks called codas to talk. Kind of like morse code. Scientists have been able to classify and separate over 9,000 codas. Plus, whales can then change the rhythm and tempo. And the crazy part is that the whales can mix a ton of those things together to form more complex phrases. Think about how many possible phrases whales can make! And then imagine if we can decode them! Think about all the juicy whale gossip we can listen to and understand!

For more fun and easy to understand posts about the ocean check out my blog.

For the record, there are more detailed explanations, but because a 2 minute article exceeds our attention span by 119 seconds, I didn't list every detail.


  1. I can't wait to know what messages whales send each other.

    1. Do you think they comment on their crushes?
