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About The Author

    Hi guys, I figured many of you would be wondering who I am, so I decided to introduce myself. I am a middle school student with many passions. Just to list a few, I am passionate about marine biology (well duh, why else would I write this blog), I love basketball and let's not forget about my love for entrepreneurship.

I decided to make this blog because I was tired of reading about marine biology, so I started writing about it. Although it started as a fun project when I was bored on a Sunday morning, now it's become a literal passion.

I focus on writing short things because trust me, I know how badly you wanna obliviate your phone when you have to read a 30 page essay on mobile just to find out that the answer is at the bottom of the page. I mean, I don't really give a damn about how the scientific name of an animal is Annoyus Blogus or how the animal is part of the Idontus Careus family.

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