Barracudas are not 1 specie, but they are a genus called Sphyraenidae containing 27 species. They live in shallow coastal waters in tropical areas... bla bla bla... and also bla bla bla... in conclusion...BORING!
Alright, now enough boring facts and let's get into the fun stuff: how barracudas kill stuff! Barracudas are the Usain Bolts of the ocean...literally. One barracuda was recorded going 25mph, that's almost as fast as Bolt's world record! They take advantage of their sprints to catch prey in one quick flash of speed. Before they sprint however, they need to get close to their prey by camouflaging. Their body is dark on top and light on the bottom, so that if you look from the top, barracudas blend into the dark background below them. If you look from the bottom, they blend into the light above them. When barracudas attack a fish, they might will split them in half and then eat them. Aren't they cute? 😍
This could be a good competition for your Onkel Xuan? Will they also finish first in a Marathon? 😂😂😂😂