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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Turtles help their sibling's killer

     Hi readers I just got 2 pet parakeets yesterday, so today I feel like writing a post about birds, seagulls to be precise.

Seagulls are in general weird animals. They eat everything and will do anything to get food. They even work together to get food/ One seagull will distract a person so that the other seagull can steal the person's food. Today though, I'm going to write about the odd relationship between turtles and seagulls.

You see, when I went on a boat ride in Mexico, I kept seeing seagulls resting on small floating islands. These islands turned out to be friendly sea turtles that were letting seagulls rest on their backs. I didn't think much about this until I saw a video of newborn turtles trying to reach the ocean. On the way many got eaten by hungry birds. It turns out that these birds were seagulls; so why do turtles let the very seagulls that killed their siblings rest on their back? They're pretty dumb if you ask me.

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