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Thursday, December 21, 2023

Do Fish Drink Water?

     Have you ever wondered if or how fish drink water? I can tell you that I certainly have. Keep reading to find out how they do it! 

Saltwater Fish

For humans saltwater does more bad than good since the salt sucks up the water in our body. It turns out that fish have the same problem. To prevent the salt around them from turning them into salted sardines, saltwater fish need to drink a loooot. It may seem controversial to keep drinking this poison but fortunately fish have filters in their kidneys and gills that filter out the salt.

Freshwater Fish

Freshwater fish have the opposite problem: they have too much salt in their body. This means that water gets sucked through their skin into their body, kind of like drinking nonstop. This is a problem because slowly the concentration of salt inside and outside the fish balance's out, leaving the fish with very little salt in their body. Therefore, fish have cells making sure that the fish don't gain too much water.

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