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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Manatees - the animals that "lost" their gym membership

Some time ago I went to Florida where I got to see this strange creature. It was probably 1 and a half meters (5 ft) long, had the nose of a pug, the body of an obese seal, and it had one oval fin in the back of it's body. Did you guess it? It was a manatee! 

These lazy bums are found in both fresh and saltwater, mostly migrating to the warmer waters as the seasons change. They will usually graze on seagrass or just use their naturally buoyant bodies to float for what seems like hours. When I saw them all I saw was their grey backs and occasionally their flippers. I literally wasted 30 minutes of my life just looking at a floating piece of fat. 

The craziest part is that although manatees live with alligators, alligators leave the adult manatees alone. I guess manatees are too high on cholesterol.