Horseshoe Crabs
Horseshoe crabs are old. Like realllly old. When I say realllly I mean reeaallllllllllllllly old. The specie is about 100 million years old. That's older than the dinosaurs, but even crazier, I did the math and that's the combined age of 1,562,500 average aged American grandmas!
They are not real crabs, they have 10 eyes (like my 5th grade teacher), and their gills let them stay out of water for 4 days. Horseshoe crabs use their sting ray like tails to steer through the water.
When I was swimming, I saw garbage on the seafloor and I dove down to retrieve it. It actually turned out to be a horseshoe crab. (No offense Horseshoe Crabs) It looked like a bloodsucking monster, but in reality we are the blood suckers. You see, medicine needs their blood for vaccines, so we take them out and drain some of their blood. Without restrictions however, we may severely weaken them, turning them into past-tense.
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